Hrvatska je destinacija snova i ova tura će Vam to pokazati najbolje.
U samo osam dana uz pregršt elegancije otkrit ćete bisere naše zemlje gdje Vas čekaju ukusna hrana, šarmantni hoteli, zadivljujuća arhitektura, predivna priroda, srdačni ljudi te mnoštvo povijesti i kulture.
Sedam prekrasnih destinacija i sedam istinskih blaga svjetske kulturne i prirodne baštine. Sedam čuda Hrvatske čeka na vas da ih otkrijete. Ne propustite ovo jedinstveno putovanje od velebnog Zagreba do ponosnog Dubrovnika.
Pridruži nam se na našem najpopularnijem izletu i otkrij zašto skoro milijun ljudi svake godine posjeti ovaj biser svjetske prirodne baštine koji je od 1979. pod zaštitom UNESCO-a.
Naša jedinstvena tura odvest će vas da otkrijete najljepša mjesta u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji. Šarmantni Zagreb, Alpe i veličanstveno jezero Bled, Istra - hrvatska Toskana, zadivljujuća obala Jadrana i veličanstveni Dubrovnik samo su neke od lokacija koje morate vidjeti na ovoj turi. No, odvodimo vas izvan tipičnih turističkih barijera - do skrivenih dragulja ove dvije prekrasne zemlje. ZagrebTours će vam osigurati doživljaj stvarne Hrvatske i Slovenije.
Pridružite nam se u otkrivanju ljepota, različitih okusa i mirisa naše lijepe Hrvatske.Tisuću otoka, zanimljva povijest,bogati mediteranski okusi, vrhunska vina i ukusni plodovi mora...
Posjetite Hrvatsku sa ZagrebToursom i otkrijte najpoznatiju i najljepšu regiju Dalmaciju. Istražite Dubrovnik, Korčulu, Hvar i Split na ovom putovanju punom spektakularnih krajolika, fascinatne povijesti i bogate mediteranske trpeze.
Upoznajte unutrašnjost Istre ili hrvatsku Toskanu kako joj često tepaju u člancima New York Times-a.
Zašto putovati sa ZagrebTours?
Maštovito razmišljanje
Ništa nije "već viđeno", ako se doda osobna nota. I zato mi vjerujemo da će vam naše maštovito razmišljanje, zajedno s iskustvima s putovanja, osigurati kreativan odmor i dobru zabavu.
Planiranje vaše rute
Hrvatska obala – savršeno mjesto za magični odmor
Sjećate se sunca? Pa, opet je tu i najbolje ga je osjetiti na sjajnim plažama u Hrvatskoj.
We have just returned from a 12-day customized private tour of Croatia that was absolutely superb. Thanks to Davor and to Roni, it was a most unique and fantastic experience. Both men were extremely personable and knowledgeable, showing us the beauty and diversity of their country in a way that co
Pročitaj više...
We have just returned from a 12-day customized private tour of Croatia that was absolutely superb. Thanks to Davor and to Roni, it was a most unique and fantastic experience. Both men were extremely personable and knowledgeable, showing us the beauty and diversity of their country in a way that could not be achieved on a large group tour or on our own. Additionally, the accommodations and provided lunches were outstanding. We can't recommend Davor and Zagreb Tours highly enough, especially since Davor so willingly puts together a personal customized itinerary that more than meets one's individual needs and interests.
The Milos Family from Ontario, Canada
Sept. 8, 2012
Just wanted you to know what a wonderful trip we had with you in Istria. It was really a pleasure and an adventure seeing all the beautiful places. The truffles, wine and other specialties were just great.
Thank you once again and I hope we'll have the opportunity to see more of Croatia in the futu
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Just wanted you to know what a wonderful trip we had with you in Istria. It was really a pleasure and an adventure seeing all the beautiful places. The truffles, wine and other specialties were just great.
Thank you once again and I hope we'll have the opportunity to see more of Croatia in the future.
Nancy, Lisa & Jim
My wife and i and our 2 children had the pleasure of seeing Plitvice lakes on the 15/6/2011. It was an amazing experience which we enjoyed very much. We have been on many tours as a family all over the world but we have truelly never had a friendlier, more knowledgable and generous tour guide than M
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My wife and i and our 2 children had the pleasure of seeing Plitvice lakes on the 15/6/2011. It was an amazing experience which we enjoyed very much. We have been on many tours as a family all over the world but we have truelly never had a friendlier, more knowledgable and generous tour guide than Mirko. He made us feel more like family than just tourists. All in all, a wonderfull day and next time we come back to Croatia i hope that we can catch up with Mirko for a drink and another tour of course. Thankyou again. Many thanks.
For the latest and most glowing testimonials, including over 220 5-star reviews and our proud achievement of 7 consecutive Certificates of Excellence, please explore our TripAdvisor listing.
Although the weather was really bad with heavy snow, the tour was remain unchanged, with the comfortable small group size we were able to view the lake in the winter view which is something unique. Davor tried his best to show us as much as possible for the beautiful Pitvice Lake and even walked do
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Although the weather was really bad with heavy snow, the tour was remain unchanged, with the comfortable small group size we were able to view the lake in the winter view which is something unique. Davor tried his best to show us as much as possible for the beautiful Pitvice Lake and even walked down to the path whereby not so much tourists were doing this in the critical weather. He is interesting, positive guide and drive really carefully in the snowing day. Appreciate everything that Davor did for us:P
Cheers !
My dad and I took this tour and it was absolutely amazing. Our tour guide, Jacob, gave us great information about everything and took us to see all things breathtaking and let us look at the beauty of things usually unseen. We had a great time and we would like to say thank you for everything Jacob!
Pročitaj više...
My dad and I took this tour and it was absolutely amazing. Our tour guide, Jacob, gave us great information about everything and took us to see all things breathtaking and let us look at the beauty of things usually unseen. We had a great time and we would like to say thank you for everything Jacob! Take these tours and you will surely find the true quality that Croatia has to offer.
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